Agreement number: 2016 – 3604 / 001 - 001
Project number: 580205-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein." 

Network members

Below you can find the logos and the web pages of  the members of our network: organizations who adopted REM's training modules, organizations that are associated partners and that are interested in the topics of our project, other european projects working for prevention of radicalization:

Logo ANS new

Coop. soc. Anziani e non solo - Carpi (MO) - Italy

yeip LOGO

Erasmus + project about prevention of radicalization YEIP

Logo Fondazione

Fondazione Nuovo Villaggio del fanciullo - Ravenna - Italy


Lo go fair 2

Justice programme project about prevention of radicalization in prison

IAL EmiliaRomagna esteso

IAL Emilia-Romagna - Italy

savignano sp stemmacomunecon scritta

Comune di Savignano s.p. (MO) - Italy

 directia generala de asistenta sociala

Direcţia Generală de Asistenţă Socială şi Protecţia Copilului - Timisoara - Romania

Icar foundation

ICAR Foundation - Timisoara - Romania


AIDROM Ecumenical Association of Churches from Romania - Romania

west univerity fo timisoara

West University of Timisoara - Romania

salvati copiii

Salvati copiii - Bucharest - Romania


Asociatia Casa Plai – Ambasada - Timisoara - Romania

 SPEKTRUM logo EN color vertical copy small

Spektrum - Mircurea Ciuc - Romania

Divers LOGO

Divers - Tirgu Mures - Romania

LOGO Bridge

Bridge Language study house - Cluj Napoca - Romania


Zara - Wien - Austria

logo Caritas

Caritas - Wien - Austria

logo Professional

Professional - Bucharest - Romania

 cropped sjm valencia cast6

Servicio jesuita a migrantes - Valencia - Spain


CEPS Projectes Socials - Valencia - Spain

logo cdc casa delle culture

Casa delle culture - Modena - Italy


Calcsicova - Valencia - Spain

cropped logo xarxa

Xarxa Mujeres - Valencia - Spain

JMD Ordner Logo groß

Jugendmigrationsdienst - Cham - Germany

VHS Logo hoch 4c RZerlangen optimized

Volkshochschule - Erlangen - Germany

Liceul tehnologic de vest

Liceul tehnologic de Vest - Timisoara - Romania


ECRU - Rome, Turin - Italy

cpia imola

CPIA Imola - Italy

2019 05 28c LOGO

 CPIA Monza e Brianza - Italy

cpia Modena

 CPIA1 Modena - Italy

logo kmop EN small square

KMOP - Athens - Greece


isob logo

ISOB - Regensburg - Germany


LOGO CdR CFP orizz

Città dei ragazzi - Modena - Italy

logo cpia forli cesena

CPIA Forlì Cesena - Italy

logo spmii piccolo

Scuola popolare di musica Ivan Illich

LOGOic10 piccolo

 Istituto comprensivo 10 - Bologna - Italy


CEAR Pais Valencià - Valencia - Spain 

logo mercedaris trans color

 Obra mercedaria - Barcelona - Spain

associazione i ponti como

Associazione I ponti - Como - Italy

Logo Caleidos

Caleidos coop.soc. - Modena - Italy


Associazione Alchemia - Modena-Italy


Ceis ARTE - Modena Bologna Parma Forlì - Italy

immagine piccola citta

coop. soc. Piccola Città - Modena - Italy



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Here you can find the e-booklet created by the REM partnership, including all the lesson plans of the courses realized in Germany, Italy, Romania and Spain and an introduction about the target groups and the environments where the trainings has been realized.

Download it for free!


Policy Recommendation paper

It is now available in the section publication of the website the Policy Recommendation Paper created by the REM partnership, downoloadable for free.

In fact, REM project is an Erasmus+ KA3 project that has also the aim to influence european policies.

Please have a look at it!

