Network members
Below you can find the logos and the web pages of the members of our network: organizations who adopted REM's training modules, organizations that are associated partners and that are interested in the topics of our project, other european projects working for prevention of radicalization:
Coop. soc. Anziani e non solo - Carpi (MO) - Italy
Erasmus + project about prevention of radicalization YEIP
Fondazione Nuovo Villaggio del fanciullo - Ravenna - Italy
Justice programme project about prevention of radicalization in prison
Comune di Savignano s.p. (MO) - Italy
Direcţia Generală de Asistenţă Socială şi Protecţia Copilului - Timisoara - Romania
ICAR Foundation - Timisoara - Romania
AIDROM Ecumenical Association of Churches from Romania - Romania
West University of Timisoara - Romania
Salvati copiii - Bucharest - Romania
Asociatia Casa Plai – Ambasada - Timisoara - Romania
Spektrum - Mircurea Ciuc - Romania
Divers - Tirgu Mures - Romania
Bridge Language study house - Cluj Napoca - Romania
Professional - Bucharest - Romania
Servicio jesuita a migrantes - Valencia - Spain
CEPS Projectes Socials - Valencia - Spain
Casa delle culture - Modena - Italy
Xarxa Mujeres - Valencia - Spain
Jugendmigrationsdienst - Cham - Germany
Volkshochschule - Erlangen - Germany
Liceul tehnologic de Vest - Timisoara - Romania
Città dei ragazzi - Modena - Italy
Scuola popolare di musica Ivan Illich
Istituto comprensivo 10 - Bologna - Italy
CEAR Pais Valencià - Valencia - Spain
Obra mercedaria - Barcelona - Spain
Associazione I ponti - Como - Italy
Caleidos coop.soc. - Modena - Italy
Associazione Alchemia - Modena-Italy
Ceis ARTE - Modena Bologna Parma Forlì - Italy