Agreement number: 2016 – 3604 / 001 - 001
Project number: 580205-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein." 

CEIS Formazione - Italy

CEIS Formazione is a spin-off of Gruppo CEIS, a large organization, founded in Modena in 1982, formed by a group of associations, cooperatives and organizations aimed to project and develop educational and health services based on the bio-psycho-social approach. They are active also in providing hosting centres for migrants and residential service for unaccompanied foreign minors.

Nowadays Gruppo CEIS is a consortium of 10 non-profit organizations employing more than 320 staff members and 250 volunteers.

In particular, CEIS Formazione provides training for professionals, working in the field of education and social and health services and, with Gruppo CEIS, is working in developing projects for migrants.


CPIP - Romania

Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente is a Romanian NGO that works in Lifelong Learning since 2005.
CPIP is committed to mainstreaming the principle of equal opportunities for all citizens in the public policies and associated practices, as an integral part of democratization and the creation of an open society, to re-define the status of community co-production in all areas related to lifelong learning.
We support initiatives and run programs and projects that aim at cooperating and innovating for good practices in this field. This is done by taking part at diverse European initiatives and then mainstreaming in the regional activities the developed products and results.


CPIA - Italy

CPIA has been created by the Italian Ministry of Education to increase education levels of the adult population.

The CPIA Metropolitano of Bologna provides reception and guidance to adult students. It accompanies them in educational pathways focused on the person, highlighting their experience and their cultural and occupational history.
The students are italian and foreign citizens (over 16 years of age), generally with a low level of education.
CPIA organizes :
- literacy and learning of the Italian language courses
- first level courses
- Italian language test for non EU citizens intending to apply for the long term EU permit of stay

logo CPIA

Fundatia Professional - Romania

Professional Foundation is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit foundation, established in 1998 with a view to promoting high quality in education, intercultural tolerance and appreciation, human rights, fight against poverty and discrimination.
It promotes: intercultural dialogue, networking at local and international levels, European cooperation.
ProF  is approved and accredited by the Ministry of Education for the section  “Continuing Education” 3133/04.02.2000.
 It is a member of QUEST (The Romanian Association for Quality Language Services) and of ACWW (Associated Women of the World) as it upholds the human dignity and well-being of women, refugees and migrant women.

fundatia professional

Associació ÀMBIT - Spain

Associació ÀMBIT was founded in 1994 and is formed by 24 professionals and over 60 volunteers who work for social justice and dignity of people who are or have been deprived of their freedom, trying to minimize the consequences of jail time.
We work together with inmates and former inmates, with an integral vision of the person, so they can get to identifying the key issues that pose or have posed obstacles to their lives. Our support can go from housing and nourishment to health, social and family networks, job market or legal orientation.

associacion ambit

Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham - Germany

VHS Cham is a registered, non-profit association in Upper Palatinate acting on a regional level.
It provides courses in the field of society, vocation, languages, health, culture and special courses.
One of the largest groups of language learners is asylum seekers, migrants and non-native speakers; about 75% of whom are Muslim. For the above groups, VHS Cham organises language and orientation courses as well as programmes to obtain school certifications and find work.
Other activities include: literacy courses, language and professional courses for juveniles and coaching activities. 

Neues Logo Kurz

University of Insubria - Italy

University of Insubria is a public academic institution which participates to several national and international networks with a multi-disciplinary approach and faculty well integrated in groups dedicated to surveying and intervene in dialogue between cultures.

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Here you can find the e-booklet created by the REM partnership, including all the lesson plans of the courses realized in Germany, Italy, Romania and Spain and an introduction about the target groups and the environments where the trainings has been realized.

Download it for free!


Policy Recommendation paper

It is now available in the section publication of the website the Policy Recommendation Paper created by the REM partnership, downoloadable for free.

In fact, REM project is an Erasmus+ KA3 project that has also the aim to influence european policies.

Please have a look at it!

